Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Thoughts: Relationship vs. Single

Time check: 0211

I'm left with less than 3 hours of sleep and I'm having difficulties falling asleep. I'm tired but my mind just can't let me go sleep in peace. Super frustrated.

A thought came across my mind not long ago and it's something to do with relationship and so decided to post it here.

I was single for a short while before I met J and during the period, I was nursing a broken heart and told myself I wouldn't want to get involved in another relationship so soon. I finally got back my singlehood and I was enjoying every single bit back then, so there's no way I'm going to get emotionally involved with someone else again. No way.

But I failed. Duh.

And now I'm emotionally attached to someone else. His ups are my ups. His downs are my downs. When he is happy, I'm happy. When he is sad, I'm sad. 

I'm selfish. I love the ups but never the downs. The downs are disgusting and they just make me regret for not staying in my singlehood. At least if I did, I wouldn't need to care about others' downs but just mine. 

All boils down to the balance of pros and cons in a relationship or being single, isn't it? I know if I'm given a chance to turn back time, I will still end up in the same outcome. Because being in a relationship surpasses being single anytime for me, at least in the long run. Just got to suck my thumb and deal with the downs. 

Have you encountered the same too? :x

Ok, gonna try and sleep now. Goodnight.

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