Friday, 8 August 2014

Great Eastern Part 1

Just came back from Perth and everything is so good over there! Look at my Instagram for those beautiful pictures and you will know I'm not lying! But not going to talk about Perth now. Shall talk more about my internship program first :)

Joined Great Eastern (GE) Entrepreneurial Internship Program 2014 as their 11th batch of interns over the span of 8 weeks, from 12 May 2014 - 7 July 2014. My batch has over 140 interns and we were split into 12 groups with an average of 11-13 interns in each group. This is the first time I heard of a company with SOOO MANY interns in one program.

Though it's called an internship program, it doesn't feel like one. You know we all heard stories from our friends or friends' friends that interns have to do many things from making coffee to preparing ppt slides/proposals to meeting clients right? But nah, I didn't have to do any of such things in GE. In fact, it felt like I'm taking a special term with GE, just like how I can take a special term with NUS to clear a module. 

It was simply like school all over again, from icebreaking activities, camps, presentations, seminars, tutorials and exams. It was very chill and fun. Get to meet a lot of new people and of course, learn the products from the insurance industry.

Group 8 - The first time when we all met up and the start of our wonderful journey towards the Best Group of IP11

While waiting for the bus to bring us into Fort Canning Park for our amazing race.

Interactive seminars that we have during our first 5 weeks...

What we looked forward to everyday - Lunch LOL

Then back to our boring talks/lectures... so time to rest or doodle on my wrist! HAHA :p

Shall come back with GE Part 2 - where we had more drinking, clubbing and more stress for our presentations.

Till then,

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I may be a little late on this, but apart from the lessons, were there any actual going-out-with-your-mentor-to-meet-clients or doing-the-job-as-a-full-time-would kind of thing? It also feels a little dubious that they would take in so many interns, pay them for so much (certs and holiday), when they run the risk of not retaining any of those interns or of grooming them successfully into potential full-timers.

    Cheers, Russell
